2018-12-10 - Xmas Inflation


~5 miles @ ~15 min/mi

"We should put some money in their mailbox to help pay their electrical bill!" K2 & K-Rex admire a hyper-Christmas-spirited home at the corner of Storm and Pimmit Drive. The cozy front yard is dense with decorations: Santas, elves, dogs, candy canes, sleighs, trucks, hot air balloons, and at least one unicorn. The hum of air compressors blankets the neighborhood. Impressive display!

"We are not alone!" Mindful trail talk reviews the needs that all share for respect, affirmation, esteem, understanding, and a measure of control over circumstances. It definitely helps to have a sympathetic ear. Major GPS glitching while inside Starbucks adds a bonus of ~1.6 miles to the trackfile. Dawn Patrol doesn't actually run 6.66 miles!

(trackfile) - ^z - 2019-01-03